Sunday 16 October 2011

Digital Inheritance Added to Wills – Implications for Business Owners and Directors

This post returns to the topic of technology and digitial media discussed in a post a few weeks ago. On this occasion, however, the post considers online real estate that consists of business websites as well as personal photographs and posts stored online.

Research recently by cloud computing company Rackspace found that online users are leaving internet passwords in their wills.
In a poll of 2,000 adults, 25% were found to have more than £200 worth of films, video and music stored online. This suggests that in Britain a £2.3 billion digital inheritance has been amassed. Because businesses, including many sole trader and micro-businesses (less than 10 employees) are increasingly having a presence online, owners and directors of small businesses need to realise the potential of their online real estate.
The pollsters concluded that “Without the passwords being included in wills, billions of pounds' worth of films, music and pictures stored in "cloud" services such as Hotmail, Facebook, iCloud and Flickr would be lost.”
More details about the findings of the Rackspace poll and what is being left in wills to pass on digital inheritance through their estates can be found online at:
OR, you can cut and paste the weblink below in your browser:

Have a successful and profitable week!

To take action immediately:
-Skype: bizcoachuk
-Share on Twitter: @bizcoach4u
-Telephone 0845 054 2870
Business Coaching, Mentoring & Training
Your Small Business Coach

PS. To develop a strategy to manage your various domains and take action to apply online marketing strategies, including using Twitter, just email Your Small Business Coach at:

Sunday 2 October 2011

Networking and Small Businesses - Does it Provide Value for Money?

When asked about their strategy for getting new customers, it is not unusual for business owners to respond 'referrals'. Experts agree and my own experience confirms that referrals can be a powerful way of getting new clients and generating repeat business. However, referrals alone cannot be the only item in the marketing basket, especially for small businesses. The question is what else and at what cost?

Some business owners, including some of my own clients, use a mix of offline and online strategies to generate a steady stream of new and repeat customers.

And, back to a keyword in the caption of this blog -networking. Five years ago, mention networking and immediately I would have thought of weekly business breakfasts, monthly lunch time women's groups and evening chamber of commerce networking events. In 2011, however, when I think of networking, I consider both online and offline events. Indeed, I have connected with and exchanged with people online, especially on Linkedin, only to meet them subsequently at offline events. Indeed, I attended an offline networking event just over a week ago based on an online recommendation and as a result met a couple of business owners with whom I scheduled meetings in the past week. Both meetings were mutually helpful and we will continue to have discussions on specific areas in which collaboration is possible.

Does networking provide value for money? A resounding YES -provided you network with people with a need for and the willingness and capability to pay for your services.

You may not be invoicing the week after the networking event, however, networking where potential users of your services are present will result in more invoices very soon after.

Have a successful and profitable week!
